Monday, September 15, 2008

Panel three: The final photo offered challenges as far as what to do with it. I liked the pattern on the bedspread that surrounded her head, but the blanket behind her was a problem. First I cropped the photo down, again thinking of the diagonal rule. I selected the bottom portion of the bedspread up to where her ear is and played around with filters. I believe the path was; filters, artistic, smudge. That gave me the pattern you see on the bottom portion of the bedspread. I then used the clone stamp tool and experimented with short and long selection paths and brush sizes. I ended up using a size 15 brush and make multiple passes to make it very busy. Then of course…I applied the Gaussian blur…which I’m going to have to stop using so much. So that's it. The panic stricken dog goes pee and then feels relief.


Molly said...

I like it! Very dreamy

amyARTE250 said...

as a dog omner, love and understand the story of the dog having to go pee.....your attention to the visual rules (ie: diagonal) and cropping is nicely applied. good job chuck!

pEzer said...

As you mentioned in class, I agree there's really something strong going on with that bed spread pattern. Sometimes you really have to go with your gut feeling. While there is a good contrast going on in the pic you created, I think you could do something even better utilizing that pattern and the contrasts that were already there.