Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ambiguous High School

Fake High School was my first attempt at a school logo. I started this project by looking at various high school logos and came to the descision that a public high school logo should actually be poorly designed and have some element of campiness to it. My favorites were the angry cardinal and the Native American that looked like a burnout from the 70’s smoking a pipe. Both these designs were set on a background of primary color accompanied by a slogan like “the fighting cardinals!”.
Being that my knowledge of Illustrator is limited (as well as my time) I decided to make up my own school rather than remake a logo and do a worse job than the original. My favorite design is ambiguous high school. I basically looked for cheesy fonts to give the campy feeling I was looking for. Once I had the words done I found a gif of the two faces that make a vase and traced the one face with the paint brush. Then copied, pasted and reversed it. I used the rectangle tool to make the background and then sent it to the background (object>arrange>send to back). The I colored everything in and arranged the text a little more.


Kyunga said...

I think it's hilarious that you created your own high school. The colors for this design are a little bit blinding, but I noticed that you redid them in another post and the second logo's color choices are much stronger.

BlogBloke12 said...

i like the set up but some of the white letters get lost in the bright light blue background